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Reading Fill in the blanks in 5 minutes.

PTE Reading fill in the blanks learn the basics in just 5 mins
Best PTE

Reading Fill in the blanks in 5 minutes.


What are you supposed to do in Reading Fill in the blanks?

A piece of text appears on the screen with several gaps, you have to select the suitable word for the gap from the choices given.

What are the skills assessed in the Reading  Fill in the blanks?


Understanding the question better.

  1. You get a see a piece of text on the screen with gaps or blanks.
  2. The choice words for the blanks are given the bottom of the text as a cluster.
  3. You have to drag and drop the correct word from the options in the blank.
  4. You have to read, understand and select the right word for that blank.
  5. When you are done with answering, you have to click the next button.


  • Once you click the next button, you cannot go back to the previous question.

Tips for PTE Academic Retell lecture :

  • Skim the text understand the overall meaning of the text.
  • Read before and after each blank to get the suitable and apt word.

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